QUESTION: Placement of the two n.o.w. speakers: where do I put I them when I use them? - Alene Sibley
“I wonder what is the ‘best’ way to experience the n.o.w. Tone Therapy System—I see that some people hold the speakers in their hands, and others place them away from themselves?”
This is not only a great question, it is also a COMMON QUESTION! Hi there! Alene speaking; co-developer of n.o.w. I love to explore everything about this system.
Basically, you decide where you want the speakers, how you want to listen, what feels best to you. The tones produced for you by the System are a one-time 3 minute experience, so trust what guides your own comfort. And give it another go to see what you like! There really is no one “best” way to listen to n.o.w. Tone Therapy System, other than being sure both speakers are playing while you listen—this is what allows the ever-unique composition to happen.
Some people like to hold n.o.w. in each hand, or place them somewhere on the body–the collarbone area or shoulders are favorites, or knees when seated; this allows the body to feel the vibrations coming from the speakers, which is a great feature but not necessary (except for the hearing impaired). Many others keep the speaker at arm’s length (either close together or spread apart, sometimes even across the room), or on the table before them. It actually doesn’t matter as long as you listen.
The most important aspect, no matter where you choose to place the speakers (and SWITCH IT UP, until you know where you like them) is to listen, with intent. Your mind will wander, but when you notice during a session just bring your attention back to the tones, without thought. Escape into this for even a moment, or many moments. This is the beginning of new things for you, the effects of which we cannot predict. It is my experience, though, that these moments of heightened calm are openings to growth. Let us know what happens for you as you bring n.o.w. into your life with regularity.
Listen all the way through to the fade at the end. The sounds of your environment will rise back into your awareness as the tones dissipate. It’s hard to believe, but that’s it! Play again if you want, or head along into your next thing.
I myself put the speakers on me, near me, on top of each other, apart; no matter where they are, each time I listen, with intent, I am swept into what they give me in the effects from the sounds which deliver me into a powerful presence. In only moments.
Join me in this! It’s too good to be true, but it’s true anyway.
Happy Day –Alene